Lets dive into the magic of Laravel and the way it handles http requests. First of all, the entry point for all the requests is the public/index.php file. It is usually called the front controller. The web server (Apache or Nginx) send all requests to this file. So, it may be considered as the starting point for loading the application.

First of all it loads the Composer generated autoloader file vendor/autoload.php and retrieves and instance Laravel application (Illuminate\Foundation\Application) from the bootstrap/app.php file.


$app = new Illuminate\Foundation\Application(

This instance serves as the “glue” for all the components of Laravel, and is the IoC container itself. There are some bindings to the IoC container in the bootstrap/app.php file: for Http Kernel, Console Kernel and Exception Handler:






Next, request is served by the HTTP kernel or cli kernel, it depends on the type of the request. It this article I will focus on HTTP requests and HTTP kernel, that handles them. It is located in app/Http/Kernel.php:


use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel as HttpKernel;

class Kernel extends HttpKernel {

Http kernel extends the Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel. This class has an array of bootstrapers that will be run befoure the request is executed. They detect environment and load configuration, configure logs and error handling. They also register providers with facades, and then boot providers:


 * The bootstrap classes for the application.
 * @var array
protected $bootstrappers = [

The http kernel also has a list of HTTP middlewares (global and for specific routes). Every request passes through all the global middlewares before being handled by the kernel.

The process of handling a request is very simple. Kernel has handle() method, that recieves a Request object and returns a Response object:


 * Handle an incoming HTTP request.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function handle($request)

I will not dive deeper in the process of how the router works. I treat kernel as a black box that represents my application.

Service Providers

The most important Kernel bootstrapper is one that registeres service providers (Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterFacades). It calls registerConfiguredProviders() method of the application instance:


namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application;

class RegisterProviders
    * Bootstrap the given application.
    * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application  $app
    * @return void
    public function bootstrap(Application $app)

The list of service providers for the application is configured in the config.app file, in providers array. First, providers are registered and on every provider the register method will be called. Then, when all the providers have been registered, they must be booted by another bootstrapper (Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\BootProviders). It simply calls boot method of the application instance, which calls boot method of every service provider:


 * Boot the given service provider.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider  $provider
 * @return mixed
protected function bootProvider(ServiceProvider $provider)
    if (method_exists($provider, 'boot')) {
        return $this->call([$provider, 'boot']);

Service providers are responsible for bootstraping all of the framework’s and application components. For example, validation, database, routing and so on. They bootstrap and configure every feature of the framework or application. Service providers are the most important part of the entire application bootstrap process.

Dispatch Request

After bootstrapping the application and registering service providers, the Request will be dispatched by the router:


// Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel

* Get the route dispatcher callback.
* @return \Closure
protected function dispatchToRouter()
    return function ($request) {
        $this->app->instance('request', $request);

        return $this->router->dispatch($request);

And then the router will dispatch the request to a router or controller:


 * Dispatch the request to the application.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function dispatch(Request $request)
    $this->currentRequest = $request;

    // If no response was returned from the before filter, we will call the proper
    // route instance to get the response. If no route is found a response will
    // still get returned based on why no routes were found for this request.
    $response = $this->callFilter('before', $request);

    if (is_null($response)) {
        $response = $this->dispatchToRoute($request);

    // Once this route has run and the response has been prepared, we will run the
    // after filter to do any last work on the response or for this application
    // before we will return the response back to the consuming code for use.
    $response = $this->prepareResponse($request, $response);

    $this->callFilter('after', $request, $response);

    return $response;


Steps of the request lifecycle:

  1. The Request is send to public/index.php.
  2. bootstrap/app.php loads Composer autoloader and creates an instance of the application and binds kernels with the exception handler.
  3. Kernel calls bootstrappers, that loads configuration, detect environment, register and then boot service providers.
  4. Kernel handles the request and dispatch it to the router.
  5. Router calls before filter.
  6. Router finds the matched route and calls the route before filters.
  7. Route calls its action.
  8. Router calls route after filters.
  9. Router calls app after filters.
  10. The middleware stack cascades the Response back up the chain
  11. The Response is sent to the user.