
Generators become available in PHP since version 5.5.0. The main idea is to provide a simple way to create iterators but without creating a class that implements Iterator interface. A generator function looks like a normal function, except that instead of returning the result once, a generator can yield as many times as it needs to in order to provide the values to be iterated over.

A simple example can be reading a file into an array of lines (reimplementing native PHP file() function):


function getLinesFromFile($fileName) {
    if (!$fileHandle = fopen($fileName, 'r')) {
    while (false !== $line = fgets($fileHandle)) {
        yield $line;
$lines = getLinesFromFile($fileName);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
    // do something with $line

In this function, every new line from the file is yielded up to the calling code. So, you can consider getLinesFromFile() function as interruptible, because generators work by passing control back and forth between the generator and the calling code.

Sending values into generator

One more interesting thing about generators is that the calling code can send() some data into a generator. send($value) will set $value as the return value of the current yield expression and resume the generator.

Values are always sent by-value. The reference modifier & only affects yielded values, not the ones sent back to the coroutine.

Maybe all of this sounds a bit confusing, so we definitely need an example here. Let’s create echo-function that yields a value that was sent to it. And then try to send() some value:


$echoLogger = function () {
    echo 'Log: ' . yield . "\n";

$logger->send('Hello ');

The result of execution of this script doesn’t look nice. We have PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Closure::send(). Why? Because placing a yield expression doesn’t immediately convert your function into generator. Actually yield expression itself when being executed returns a generator. So, let’s fix it. Instead of anonymous function we can create a named function then execute it and assign the returned value to $echoLogger. Or we can add call_user_func() which immediately invokes a specified function:


/** @var Generator $logger */
$logger = call_user_func(function() {
    echo 'Log: ' . yield . "\n";

$logger->send('Hello ');

Now, it works… but still not as we expect:

Log: Hello 

It logs only the first Hello string. But the second send() call doesn’t work. Why? Because there is no code after yield expression in our $logger function. And a generator is closed. To fix it we can add the second echo 'Log: ' . yield . "\n" or wrap it into the endless while loop:


/** @var Generator $logger */
$logger = call_user_func(function() {
    while(true) {
        echo 'Log: ' . yield . "\n";

$logger->send('Hello ');

Now, this generator accepts as many send() calls as we provide to it:

Log: Hello 
Log: world

Throwing into generator

Generators themselves can handle exceptions from the calling code. Besides the data, we can also send an exception into a generator via throw() method. Calling throw() method on a generator is equivalent to replacing yield expression with a throw statement and resuming a generator. In this case, an exception is thrown in the generator’s execution context. Again it sounds too complicated and requires an example. We can continue with our echo generator from the previous section. But now we wrap yield expression into try/catch block:


/** @var Generator $logger */
$logger = call_user_func(function() {
    while(true) {
        try {
            echo 'Log: ' . yield . "\n";
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo 'Caught exception ' . $e->getMessage();

$logger->send('Hello world');
$logger->throw(new Exception('something wrong'));

When executing this script and exception is thrown through the generator. It works! The output is the following:

Log: Hello world
Caught exception: something wrong

One thing should be noticed here. Try to remove while loop and run the script. It will fail with Uncaught Exception. This happens because when a generator is closed the exception will be thrown in the calling code context, which is equivalent to replacing the throw() call with a throw statement. And this is exactly what we have. After $logger->send('Hello world') there is no more code in generator and it closes.

So, let’s wrap up what we know about generators:

  • interruptible/resumable functions
  • use yield rather than (or in addition to) return
  • values/exceptions can be send/thrown into
  • behave like iterator

All these generator features are used in Amp to implement coroutines.

What Is Coroutine?

Coroutine is a way of splitting an operation or a process into chunks with even execution in each chunk. As a result, it turns out that instead of executing the whole operation an once (which will cause a noticeable application freeze), it will be done little by little, until the whole required volume of actions is completed.

In the example above with getLinesFromFile() instead of reading the whole file into memory and return a complete array, we split this task into chunks. Every time a new line from the file is being read we return the control flow up to the calling code, allowing other tasks to be run, such as I/O handlers, timers, or other coroutines. Then the client code decides itself when to continue with coroutine to receive a new line from a file.

Now, having interruptible and resumable functions, we can use them to write asynchronous code but in a more natural synchronous way with Promises.


When dealing with asynchronous code we can’t wait for the result of some operation. The event loop can’t be blocked. But what if this result is required for the next operation to be executed? How can we handle this situation? The answer - is Promise. Consider promise as an object that represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. It is a sort of placeholder for this result. So, instead of waiting for some operation to be completed, we get a promise from it and continue the loop. Other tasks that depend on the result of another operation get a promise from it and deal with it.

The promise (as any eventual result) can be in three states:

  • Success (operation succeed and returned the result)
  • Failure (operation failed)
  • Pending (operation is still in process)

The traditional NodeJs approach for dealing with asynchronous code was - callbacks. When we have an asynchronous task we always provide a callback to handle the result (or failure):

function isUserBanned(id, callback) {
  openDatabase(function(db) {
    getCollection(db, 'users', function(col) {
      find(col, {'id': id},function(result) {
        result.filter(function(user) {

Callbacks and promises are not fundamentally different. Everything you can do using callbacks you can do with promises, but in a more readable and nicer way.

Now with PHP generators and promises we completely can avoid writing callbacks. The idea is when you yield a promise the coroutine subscribes to it. The coroutine pauses and waits for promise to be settled (resolve or fail). Once the promise is settled the coroutine continues. On successful resolution, the coroutine sends the resolution value back into the generator context using Generator::send($value). If promise fails the coroutine throws an exception through the generator using Generator::throw(). Without callbacks, we can write asynchronous code almost like a synchronous one.

This is how it works:

  1. The promise is yielded from the generator
  2. Coroutine subscribes to this promise
  3. Event loop skips coroutine until the promise is resolved
  4. Coroutine send()s promise result into generator
  5. Repeat from 1 until coroutine is complete (return)


Deferred is an object that is responsible for resolving a promise. Each deferred object has a promise it is responsible for. Deferred can resolve or fail the promise. Asynchronous components communicate with each other via promises. When one component is asked for some value, it creates an Amp\Deferred object and returns its promise. When the component is ready with the asked value it resolves its deferred, which in turn resolves its promise. This way of communication between components allow separate a creator of promise from its consumer, so only a creator can resolve or fail the promise. Consider promise as a placeholder for the initially unknown result of the asynchronous code, while a deferred represents the code which is going to be executed to receive this result.

Consider this resolver’s code:

$deferred = new Amp\Deferred;
return $deferred->promise();

Nothing really special here, we create a deferred object and return its promise.

Under the hood when you call $deferred->promise() it returns an object of the anonymous class that implements Amp\Promise.

What should a consumer do with this promise? Well, Amp\Promise interface is really simple and consists of one onResolve(callable $onResolve) method. This method allows to register a handler for a promise. This handler is a callback with two arguments. The first one is an error, which will be set with an exception if the promise fails. The second one is a resolution value if the promise succeeds. Consumer’s code:


$promise->onResolve(function (Throwable $error = null, $result = null) {
    if ($error) {
      echo 'Something went wrong: ' . $error->getMessage();

  echo 'Promise was resolved with: ' . $result;

Now if the resolver calls $deferred->resolve('my value') a resolution handler will be triggered and you will receive Promise was resolved with: my value message. But if the resolver calls $deferred->fail(new Exception('some error')), the same handler will be triggered but now its $error argument will contain an instance of Exception with some error message.

You can add ass many consumers as you want. When the promise is resolves or fails all registered onResolve callbacks are triggered:


// first consumer
$promise->onResolve(function (Throwable $error = null, $result = null) {
  // ...

// second consumer
$promise->onResolve(function (Throwable $error = null, $result = null) {
  // ... 

Difference With Promises/A+

JavaScript has an open standard for promises called Promises/A+. The idea is that every promise has then() and catch() methods, so you can chain promises and optionally catch an error. Amp’s Promise interface does not provide then() nor catch methods. Amp consider promise callbacks as error-first. Why? Consider this JavaScript example:

function isUserBanned(id) {
  return openDatabase()
    .then(find.bind(null, {'id': id}))
    .then(function(user) {
      return !user.is_banned;

Do you see error handling here? Yes, we don’t have it here. When a promise in the chain fails, the control jumps to the closest rejection handler down the chain. And what happens if we simply forget to add catch block? The failed promise will be ignored, and any thrown exceptions will disappear into the void. In Amp, we know that every asynchronous call can fail, so error handling should be a first-class citizen, not something which can be added as an optionally chained callback.

You can find examples from this article on GitHub.